Friday, June 20, 2014


It's interesting how many people have actually looked at this blog. To be honest, I didn't think anyone would ever look at this, but I've apparently gotten 23 this month, which is crazy to me!
Anyways, thanks you guys :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Honey, I'm home!!!

At the request of a close friend, I am posting again. Hopefully I continue it this time X)
Anyways, I think I'm going to post more poetry on here. Posting about your personal life can be hard to look back on, as I am finding out. Either way, here's a poem I've been working on. It's not done yet, but I was wondering what y'all thought of it.

Practicality promised me something of a reward for the idle thoughts 
Dripping from the stalactite brain inside my cave of a head, filled with the angry dreams
And unused promises I thought would make me more appealing.
Sales floor representatives shove a blackened picture of Me, Myself and I, at total strangers,
Making Me wonder if department store prices are honestly as bad as everyone says,
Making Myself watch the dirt-poor floor self portraits signed by black shoe soles,
And I burst into key locked tears, flooding the place,
Drowning her agony in the onslaught of condescension which followed.
No one leaves me alone with my thoughts…
And I think I like that.
I thought they understood the need for leashes and chains,
For who truly trusts all the swirling intonation of their own voice 
Without it first resonating through their jaw bone,
Leading straight to their inner ear?
      No one I know enjoys the sound of their voice on tape
      As if they don't want anyone knowing the truth about themselves
      Though everyone can see the answers just by the unguarded black
      That steeps like tea into your countenance and being.

Any ideas on where to go next with it?