Friday, August 2, 2013

How do you treat others?

I have thought about something a lot lately (and by lately, I mean the past like 3 hours). Why is it when certain people are happy in their lives, we have to go and ruin it, even just a little bit?
I think everyone does it. It doesn't matter if it's just one person, and it's just a teeny-tiny bit. It still happens. It's like we just can't be happy for that person(s), because they seem happier than us.
I think "who" also changes, depending on what is happening. I mean, if you're not happy in a relationship, and then someone comes along and they're extremely happy in their relationship, I think everyone would feel at least a twinge of jealousy. So, some people seem to see the need to interject something into this person's love life. Maybe a little something to disrupt their happiness for a while.


Why would we do that to people? Especially the ones we say we care about? I mean, we love them, don't we? And any person is another living, breathing human beings. We all go through crap. We all have happy, sunshiney days.

Shouldn't we all just carry each other, and help, instead of throwing more mud in their path, or at their face?

Just something to think about.

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